Posts Tagged ‘calgary real estate statistics’
Saturday, December 17th, 2016

I was looking at the Calgary’s real estate statistics for November, and it would seem we may be seeing some positive trends as far as how supply and pricing are moving. For over a year now, the city’s resale market has seen an abundance of listings as people look to downsize or simply move somewhere with better employment prospects, and that increased selection has put downward pressure on prices. Having tonnes of properties to compare is great for buyers, but can be frustrating and discouraging for those on the selling end. The last couple of months have marked a change in that trend, as the number of new listings went down 9 percent in November and a whopping 23 percent in December, while the number of active listings declined an average of 8 percent per month over the same period. At the same time, both median and average prices have continued to increase.
What this means for the average seller is it will be a little bit easier to stand out in the crowd, and the pressure to compromise on price has lessened. We’re still a far cry from the fast times of a few years ago, when many homes were selling for above-asking price before the For Sale sign could be pounded into the front yard, but it’s certainly positive news.
I expect this could be a sign of things to come, as our economy starts to scratch its way back toward growth, employment numbers improve, and our city gets back on its feet. The coming year could be the best year to sell your home that we’ve seen in awhile.
If you want to start hammering out a sales strategy for 2017, please contact me!
Also, the Calgary Renovation Show – a great place to get inspired – is less than a month away, and I’ve got a 2-for-1 ticket promo code for you! Simply visit this link and use the code 1MONTH to take advantage of the deal. Just make sure you do it before December 28, when the code expires.
Tags: calgary housing market, calgary real estate, calgary real estate statistics, calgary renovation show, calgary renovation show coupon
Posted in Industry | Comments Off on Is the Market Turning Around?
Saturday, July 12th, 2014

Not at all unsurprisingly, according to the Calgary Real Estate Board’s most recent statistics the tide is starting to turn with regard to supply and demand in the city’s market. More specifically, June 2014 saw nearly 30 percent more new listings added than one year earlier. As homeowners see their neighbours’ properties selling in days for above asking price, it’s only natural that they’d think about listing themselves.
Interestingly, however, Calgary’s surrounding towns are also seeing a boom. Cochrane and Okotoks are becoming prime locations for commuters looking to stretch their home buying dollar by a few percent; sales in Airdrie are up a whopping 40 percent year-over-year.
Add these communities’ properties to our own market, and there are more and more homes for buyers to choose from, which will inevitably cause prices to plateau at some point. I highly doubt we’ll see any significant downward pressure on prices – with Calgary’s population growing by more than 4 percent every year, we’ll have plenty of people looking to buy for the foreseeable future – but if the growth dials down a bit, it might be a little easier for those looking to sell and move up to calculate what they’ll be able to afford.
Tags: calgary real estate, Calgary Real Estate Board, calgary real estate market, calgary real estate statistics, CREB, real estate statistics
Posted in Industry, Statistics | Comments Off on More on the Market
Thursday, January 30th, 2014

I talk a lot about the detached home market in Calgary, and how remarkably well its doing, but our city’s condo market is also on fire right now. The Herald reported recently that new condo sales are near the records set in 2005 – when prices were significantly lower – as people look to live closer to the action of our downtown core.
Condos have a lot of great benefits for the right homebuyer. First, you get the financial advantages of owning a home with a lot of the mitigated responsibilities (for things like shoveling snow, replacing the roof, and so on) that go along with renting. Second, singles may feel a greater sense of security living in a highrise condo building, surrounded by helpful neighbours and with a monitored entrance, rather than in a big suburban home. Third, a major element of the condo lifestyle is living with less stuff: you just plain don’t have the room to store a pile of collectables, and so you learn to live with less.
It’s not for everyone, of course, and it does have risks: a poorly managed condo board can leave maintenance undone, for example, leading to major repairs paid for out of residents’ pockets. For those who do their research and know what they’re getting into, though, condos hold a lot of value and appeal. If you think you might like getting into the condo market, give me a call or visit my web page to view those I currently have listed.
Tags: calgary alberta real estate, calgary condo, Calgary Herald, calgary home market, calgary real estate, calgary real estate statistics, Real Estate Forecasting, real estate trends
Posted in Forecasts, Industry, Statistics | Comments Off on Cheers for Condos
Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

It should come as no surprise to readers of this space that 2013 is on track to set a sales record, with well over $9 billion in sales being transacted; to date, the city has seen nearly $7 billion in real estate changing hands. Resale prices are up, and people are still buying, thanks to some very solid employment numbers (we’re one of the country’s only bright points on that front), relative affordability (especially in the condo market), forced moves due to the flood, and just the general appeal of our city to people from all over. Calgary’s a place where you can get a good job and raise a family without too much fear of the bottom falling out of your lifestyle.
So, of course, there’s gotta be the end times coming, and naysayers point to a slowdown in the purchase of land for new properties to show that they’re almost here. Call me optimistic, but I just don’t buy that as proof that we’re in a bubble about to burst. Developers have bought up huge swaths of land recently to keep up with the demand in our hot seller’s market, but they still recognize that the country’s fragile economy will likely lead to some ebbs and flows. So the houses get built, they sell, then new rounds of purchasing can begin. While suggestions that land purchases have dropped more than 50 percent in Calgary year-over-year may sound alarming, the other way to look at that is there was a lot of land bought up last year that’s becoming homes sold this year.
Real estate markets cycle, they don’t generally boom and bust without outside factors manipulating them (as was the case in the US some years ago). So, as I seem to say often around here, take the alarmist news with a healthy dose of skepticism.
Tags: boom time, calgary alberta real estate, calgary real estate, calgary real estate market, calgary real estate resale, calgary real estate statistics, real estate boom, Real Estate Forecasting, real estate market, real estate records, real estate trends
Posted in Forecasts, Industry, Statistics | Comments Off on Boom and Slightly Less Boom
Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

With relatively low inventories – and not just because of flood damage – the Calgary real estate market is on fire right now. The Calgary Herald reports that condos, bungalows, and two-storey homes have all increased in price by 6 to 7 percent in the second quarter, year-over-year, as listings regularly receive multiple offers. The flood certainly didn’t help with the inventory crunch, but the overall trends shouldn’t be affected long-term by that mess; this isn’t a short term blip, it’s a larger trend.
And it’s not just the common-man homes that are moving: a record number of $4 million-plus homes have been sold so-far in July (and it’s only the 9th). There’s more inventory available in the luxury market, and the higher prices and low availability of mid-range homes, combined with interest rates that look like they’ll stay low for another couple of years, are all factors encouraging people looking to move up.
So, if you’re thinking about selling your present home and move into something larger, be prepared to act fast once you find that perfect place. And have a solid idea of the maximum you’re willing to spend – those susceptible to getting caught up in a bidding war could take a hit in today’s market. Smart buyers approaching transactions logically and not emotionally, however, should still be able to find the right home at the right price.
Tags: alberta real estate, buying real estate, Calgary Herald, calgary real estate, calgary real estate market, calgary real estate statistics, flood damage, low housing inventory, selling real estate
Posted in News, Statistics | Comments Off on The Growth Continues
Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

Yet another good news article about Calgary’s real estate market: we saw more than a 10 percent jump in sales from March to April, as opposed to the national trend going down more than three percent in the same period. And this is just the beginning.
Spring is obviously the time new home developers start churning out properties, and despite what the noisemakers might have you believe, there is plenty of land already approved for community growth. New home builds will probably be plentiful, and marketing aggressive. As housing prices continue their steady climb upwards, we can expect lots more existing properties to go on sale with some people looking to move up, and others downsizing.
If you’re thinking about making a move, it’s a good time to sell – prices going up – but also a good time to buy thanks to the copious inventory. Things usually aren’t so balanced, but so it goes in Calgary. I can help you sort it all out – contact me for more information.
Tags: buying real estate, calgary alberta real estate, Calgary Herald, calgary real estate, calgary real estate market, calgary real estate statistics, Calgary’s real estate market, housing prices, new home builds, new home developers, selling real estate
Posted in News, Statistics | Comments Off on The Best of Both Worlds
Monday, April 29th, 2013

There’s been some talk lately about why Calgary’s market isn’t booming like it did in 2006-07, when our employment and population growth is similarly exceptional now. While there may be some truth to self-proclaimed experts’ notions that homebuyers are a bit more cautious than they used to be, and that stricter mortgage rules are proving to be a greater barrier to entry in the market, the fact is that I have more listings right now than I have at any one time in my career, and things show no sign of easing up; I’d better go buy some more key boxes. House prices in Calgary are growing at three times the national average (and our commercial real estate market is performing better than anywhere else in the world). This is the best place to be selling a home in the country (and not only because my dad and I work here).
Of course, enthusiasm must be tempered, both to maintain a little perspective and to add a little variety to newspaper articles. But the fact is we are in a great, enviable position right now with a market that’s growing at a healthy and sustainable pace, and that looks to continue on the same path for the foreseeable future. The bidding wars we were seeing a few years ago aren’t nearly as common, yet houses aren’t sitting on the market for months at a time either; buyers are motivated but not bloodthirsty. This is a good thing. Give me a steady upward march over boom-and-bust craziness any day of the week.
Tags: boom-bust, calgary alberta real estate, calgary growth, Calgary Herald, calgary housing market, calgary housing prices, calgary housing stats, calgary real estate, calgary real estate statistics, house prices, Real Estate News
Posted in Industry, Statistics | Comments Off on Healthy Growth Trumps a Boom
Friday, April 5th, 2013

Find out What Your Home is Worth.
It’s easy and free! Set it up yourself in just a few minutes.
Whether you are looking to buy, sell, or just want to keep up-to-date on market trends, this free report is an excellent tool. Simply fill in your information and you’ll automatically receive a detailed sales-history report with information about home values in your neighbourhood, complete with pricing information, addresses, and pictures. Be the expert on your block!
Tags: calgary alberta real estate, calgary housing market, calgary mls listing, calgary real estate, calgary real estate statistics, Calgary’s real estate market, Home value, housing market trends, market report, mls listings, mls sales, mls sales history
Posted in Tools | Comments Off on Market Report
Thursday, March 28th, 2013

This comes as no surprise for me! The latest CTV news article, Decrease in listings increases demand for Calgary homes, outlines some of the reasons why this year is proving to be a hot one for real estate sales. There are nearly 20 percent less home listed compared to the same time last year, which is driving prices upwards and days on market downwards.
As our city sprawls out there is also increasing demand for inner-city property. The Calgary Herald recent posted an article stating that inner-city neighbourhoods saw an increase of 250-260% between 2000-2012.
If you want to take advantage of this market contact me today!
Fill in our free Market Report request to receive monthly email reports detailing all the sales in your neighbourhood, including photos & addresses.
Tags: calgary alberta real estate, Calgary Herald, calgary homes, calgary housing market, calgary housing stats, calgary real estate, Calgary Real Estate Board, calgary real estate statistics, CREB, CTV news, inner-city, inner-city neighbourhood
Posted in News, Statistics | Comments Off on Increased Demand for Calgary Homes
Monday, March 11th, 2013
I’ve been talking a lot in this space about how Calgary’s housing market is outperforming all comers; well, here’s more proof: we broke a record in February for the highest average selling price for single family homes. The figure, $518,452, comes in a little over two percent higher than the previous record set in 2007 (also known as Calgary’s most recent boom). Now, of course there are extenuating factors coming into play here – notably the fact that the all-time most expensive home sale in the city’s history closed last month, as did a record number of other $1 million plus sales – so CREB’s benchmark numbers are maybe a little more useful when determining what the average Calgarian entering the market is looking at. Those put the typical single-family home at about $440,000, which is still close to $90,000 more than January’s national average.
So is Calgary’s market on-track to price itself out of reach for the average young family looking for a starter home? I don’t think so. The vast diversity of neighbourhoods – and their proximity to downtown – available to residents ensures there’s a price point for everyone, and as Mayor Nenshi wrote in the Herald last weekend, more than 22 square kilometres of serviced land are available for new development, enough to house hundreds of thousands of people at fair prices.
This has already been a banner year for me, and it’s only March; the proverbial sun is shining, so I’m making some hay. I did, however, find the time to add some new functionality to our website: our new, free Market Report tool allows you to see your neighbourhood’s detailed sales history, including addresses and prices. Check it out!
Tags: calgary alberta real estate, Calgary Herald, calgary housing market, calgary real estate, Calgary Real Estate Board, calgary real estate statistics, CREB, market report, mayor nenshi
Posted in Industry, News, Statistics | Comments Off on Breaking Records