It’s coming on renovation season: that time of the year, after the Christmas credit card bills are paid, when people start itching to have a little work done around the house. Maybe it’s with the intention of selling soon – if so, I know a great Realtor – or maybe it’s just to freshen things up and fix some issues that became all too apparent over the last few housebound months. Regardless, contractors love the spring.
Unfortunately, lots of homeowners just have no idea what rights they do and don’t have when it comes to hiring a contractor. A good friend of mine worked for the Better Business Bureau for a number of years, and found that, consistently, home renovation companies were among the most complained about, month after month. Not just shoddy workmanship, either: lots of outright scammers come out of the woodwork, so to speak, to prey on people’s inexperience with door-to-door offers too good to be true. It’s sad, and it costs a lot of people a lot of money.
The esteemed renovation superhero Mike Holmes wrote up a straightforward and informative article for the National Post back in December; Calgary’s BBB has sound and thorough advice on their website too. Maybe the most important thing people don’t seem aware of is that, in Alberta, it is illegal for a contractor to ask for any money before the job is done unless they have a Prepaid Contractors License from the government. Sure, it sounds reasonable when the guy standing in your living room asks for 50 percent down to cover materials, but unless he or she is properly licensed, you have zero guarantee that you will actually get anything for that money, and little recourse if you get burned. Trust should be earned, not assumed. A contractor has to have a proven history to secure that license, and also must put up a substantial bond against which a dissatisfied homeowner can claim if things really go sour (meaning the agreed work doesn’t get done, not the hardwood doesn’t complement the couch like expected). Plus, you can visit the Service Alberta website to search a company name and find out if they are licensed to take payments, rather than just taking someone’s word for it. My opinion, don’t hire a contractor who isn’t licensed.
Beyond that, Holmes makes a solid argument that good contractors are busy, many to the point that they’re turning projects down, and so they don’t need to go door-to-door for work; the ones who do show up at suppertime offering to repair your roof should maybe be eyed suspiciously. Certainly don’t hire anyone on the spot without doing a bit of research, including with the BBB and Service Alberta. That bit of extra effort could really save you some hassle – and money – later on.